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Author Archives: Christian J. Amendt

Articles by: Christian J. Amendt

The Costs Of ATV Accident Injuries Are Astounding

The Costs Of ATV Accident Injuries Are Astounding

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) can be fun, but they come with a very high level of risk. The costs of care after an accident are astounding.…

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What Are Comparative Negligence Laws?

What Are Comparative Negligence Laws?

In regards to car accidents, California has comparative negligence laws. It’s important for drivers and passengers to understand how these work and how they can…

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3 Ways You Could Slip, Trip Or Fall While Shopping

3 Ways You Could Slip, Trip Or Fall While Shopping

Shopping is something you do all the time, whether it is stocking up on groceries or walking through the mall. This is so normal in…

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Does A Landlord Have To Make Repairs If They’re Not In The Lease?

Does A Landlord Have To Make Repairs If They’re Not In The Lease?

You have significant issues with your rental apartment, to the point that you think it’s dangerous to live there. You’re worried that you’re going to…

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How Often Should Brakes Be Replaced?

How Often Should Brakes Be Replaced?

You’ve probably seen movies or read books where the hero’s brakes are cut in a devious plot to cause a deadly accident. In real life,…

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Can The School Schedule Put Teens In Danger?

Can The School Schedule Put Teens In Danger?

Teens often hate waking up in time for school. As a parent, though, you may want to know that those early classes could actually put…

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Key Observations About Speeding Tendencies And Dangerous Driving

Key Observations About Speeding Tendencies And Dangerous Driving

You know speeding is dangerous, and you also know it’s incredibly common. Why aren’t people more careful? One study looked at numerous drivers in Texas…

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3 Motorcycle Safety Myths

3 Motorcycle Safety Myths

If you ride motorcycles, chances are you have heard a lot of myths about riding and safety over the years. There are plenty of misguided…

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Keep Calm When Someone Else Is Tailgating

Keep Calm When Someone Else Is Tailgating

Tailgating is so frustrating because that driver is actively putting you in danger. The odds of an accident go up massively when someone is just…

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Do I Need An Accident Reconstructionist In My Lawsuit?

Do I Need An Accident Reconstructionist In My Lawsuit?

An accident reconstructionist is someone who is highly trained in the field of accident reconstruction physics and engineering. In addition, he or she is usually…

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Tips For Becoming A Better Defensive Driver In California

Tips For Becoming A Better Defensive Driver In California

Many people forget that driving is a privilege and not a right. This means that your driver’s license can be taken away if you have…

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Poor Lighting And Premises Liability Claims

Poor Lighting And Premises Liability Claims

It’s not too much to ask that when someone is legally on another person’s property that he or she feels safe. This can come in…

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Slips, Trips And Falls: When Grocery Shopping Becomes Dangerous

Slips, Trips And Falls: When Grocery Shopping Becomes Dangerous

When you do your grocery shopping, the furthest thing from your mind is the possibility of sustaining an injury. Yet the most common cause of injury in…

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How To Safely Operate A Vehicle Near Large Trucks

How To Safely Operate A Vehicle Near Large Trucks

Driving on the roads of California can be extremely stressful due to the high volume of traffic. A large portion of the vehicles on the…

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Car Troubles That Can Lead To Motor Vehicle Accidents

Car Troubles That Can Lead To Motor Vehicle Accidents

Car owners have a responsibility to the people around them on the road to operate their vehicle as safely as possible. Some accidents are simply…

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Premises Liability And The Attractive Nuisance Doctrine

Premises Liability And The Attractive Nuisance Doctrine

When it comes to premises liability, there are areas that might not be cut and dry. Ensuring that visitors to a property do not get…

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Three Signs Of Drunk Driving In The Summer

Three Signs Of Drunk Driving In The Summer

With the dog days of summer upon us, you are probably spending more time outside with family and friends. While you prepare to spend time…

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Tips For Avoiding Road Rage In California

Tips For Avoiding Road Rage In California

Driving can be stressful enough on the crowded streets of Pomona, California, but when you add in road rage, it can be downright terrifying. If…

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How To Spot A Drunk Driver In California

How To Spot A Drunk Driver In California

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a big problem on the roads of California. So long as people continue to make poor decisions, this…

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Hazardous Conditions After A Summer Storm And Premises Liability

Hazardous Conditions After A Summer Storm And Premises Liability

Premises liability cases can be difficult for victims to prove when things aren’t so cut and dry. But, in many cases, it’s very easy to…

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