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Author Archives: Christian J. Amendt

Articles by: Christian J. Amendt

Traffic Fatalities Are More Likely To Involve Small Vehicles

Traffic Fatalities Are More Likely To Involve Small Vehicles

Many people say that they feel safer in large vehicles like SUVs. There may be something to that feeling of added security you get when…

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Post-Accident Emotional Trauma And Red Flags In Children

Post-Accident Emotional Trauma And Red Flags In Children

You’re involved in a car accident with your kids in the car. They are hurt, but the physical injuries heal. What you’re worried about, though,…

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Hot Weather Means More Motor Vehicle Accidents

Hot Weather Means More Motor Vehicle Accidents

Summertime is nearly here, and law enforcement officials are hunkering down for the most dangerous 100 days of the year on California roads. More motor…

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Premises Liability Extends To Personal Property Owners

Premises Liability Extends To Personal Property Owners

If a handyman or other professional gets hurt at a private house, can the homeowner be held responsible? In many California premises liability cases, workers suffer injury…

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Commercial Truck Accident In San Bernardino County

Commercial Truck Accident In San Bernardino County

On May 10, 2017, a motorist collided with a tractor-trailer on a freeway in San Bernardino County. According to The Sun, the driver of the car…

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News: ADHD Medication Could Prevent 1/5th Of Car Accidents

News: ADHD Medication Could Prevent 1/5th Of Car Accidents

There may be a new way to lower car crash rates in California and other states – simply make sure that people are properly medicated.…

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Firefighter Beats Insurer In Premises Liability Case

Firefighter Beats Insurer In Premises Liability Case

A firefighter who fell through a glass panel while fighting a New Jersey blaze will have the accident covered by the building’s insurer. An appeals…

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Truck Causes Motor Vehicle Accident, Drags Sedan For Miles

Truck Causes Motor Vehicle Accident, Drags Sedan For Miles

If you are a California resident, you may have already seen the alarming video footage of a commercial vehicle dragging a personal car down the…

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3 Tips For Riding Your Motorcycle In LA Traffic

3 Tips For Riding Your Motorcycle In LA Traffic

It is probably the last thing you want to do, but think about Los Angeles traffic for a second. Imagine all the drivers crowding around…

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Landlord Obligations Over Lead-Based Paint In California

Landlord Obligations Over Lead-Based Paint In California

Lead is so toxic to humans that even tiny amounts of exposure to lead over the long-term can lead to serious medical problems, including neurological…

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Are My Motor Vehicle Accidents Covered By Insurance?

Are My Motor Vehicle Accidents Covered By Insurance?

What, exactly, does your car insurance generally cover? California residents often worry after being involved in motor vehicle accidents that their insurance will not pay for certain…

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Who Is Responsible For Hazardous Conditions On Sidewalks?

Who Is Responsible For Hazardous Conditions On Sidewalks?

Who is at fault for that uneven California sidewalk that caused you to trip, fall and hurt yourself? The answer might surprise you! Yes, it…

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Distracted Driving Awareness Month Addresses Car Accident Risk

Distracted Driving Awareness Month Addresses Car Accident Risk

Did you know that April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month? Whether a California motorist is engaging with their cell phone, changing the radio station, disciplining…

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Complacency Is Cited In California Vehicle Accidents

Complacency Is Cited In California Vehicle Accidents

To an outsider, California drivers probably appear to be skillful, practiced and observant, given the number of cars on our highways and the number of…

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Questions After Motor Vehicle Accidents With Self-Driving Cars

Questions After Motor Vehicle Accidents With Self-Driving Cars

With the rise of ride-sharing operations like Uber and Lyft throughout California and the nation, a new conversation is growing surrounding car crashes. Uber, the…

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What Hazardous Conditions Exist At A Restaurant?

What Hazardous Conditions Exist At A Restaurant?

What are your options when it comes to suffering a slip, trip or fall at a food service establishment? Restaurants have just as much of…

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New Stats: Car Accidents Leading Cause Of Death For Young America

New Stats: Car Accidents Leading Cause Of Death For Young America

Did you know that vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers and young adults? New nationwide research shows that young people aged…

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Can Premises Liability Accidents Happen At A House?

Can Premises Liability Accidents Happen At A House?

What do you think of when you imagine a slip-and-fall case in California? Perhaps you imagine victims seeking financial restitution from a store owner or…

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Porsche E-Mails Under Fire After Walker Motor Vehicle Accident

Porsche E-Mails Under Fire After Walker Motor Vehicle Accident

The daughter of deceased actor Paul Walker is accusing auto company employees of misconduct in the way they casually referenced her father’s death in internal…

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Family Files Premises Liability Suit In Child Spa Death

Family Files Premises Liability Suit In Child Spa Death

A California family is seeking legal redress from the owner of their rental home after their child drowned in a spa at the house. The…

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