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Author Archives: Christian J. Amendt

Articles by: Christian J. Amendt

Can You Recover Lost Wages After An Injury?

Can You Recover Lost Wages After An Injury?

Did you sustain injuries through no fault of your own? If so, you may receive compensation for damages, including lost wages, even if you are…

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Can Wheelchair Accidents In Parking Structures Be Prevented?

Can Wheelchair Accidents In Parking Structures Be Prevented?

Individuals rely on underground parking garages or multi-level parking structures to provide numerous comforts. From shielding users from weather challenges to an area that is…

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Motorcycle Passengers More Prone To TBIs Than Drivers

Motorcycle Passengers More Prone To TBIs Than Drivers

Motorcycles do not offer the same degree of protection as traditional passenger vehicles. This means California motorcycle riders face serious head and other injury risks…

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The Types Of Injuries Caused By A Traumatic Dog Bite

The Types Of Injuries Caused By A Traumatic Dog Bite

The painful bite from your neighbor’s dog led you to seek immediate medical treatment. Your prompt action likely helped you avoid further complications. Many types…

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What Are The Symptoms Of Road Rash?

What Are The Symptoms Of Road Rash?

After a recent motorcycle crash, you want a full accounting of your injuries to build your personal injury case. Do you know how to diagnose…

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Common Causes And Types Of Amusement Park Injuries

Common Causes And Types Of Amusement Park Injuries

Carnival rides are a source of fun and joy. They are exciting because they make us feel in danger without actually putting our lives at…

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What Is Capnocytophaga?

What Is Capnocytophaga?

Dog bites can pose a health hazard for numerous reasons. Of course, the bite itself might cause damage since a dog’s mouth has many sharp…

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What Happens When An Injury Prevents You From Working?

What Happens When An Injury Prevents You From Working?

When you suffer an injury that removes you from the workforce, you may wonder how to address your circumstances with your employer. Keeping them in…

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Older Adults And Motor Vehicle Crashes

Older Adults And Motor Vehicle Crashes

If you are an older adult or have concerns about a loved one who is older, it is very important to review information on traffic…

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How Can You Prevent Dog Bites?

How Can You Prevent Dog Bites?

Dogs are often great companions and legitimate members of the family. However, they can also cause injurious dog bites with sometimes severe consequences. In this case, a…

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What Should I Know About An Independent Medical Exam?

What Should I Know About An Independent Medical Exam?

Proving that you have suffered an injury that has kept you from going back to work is an important part of recouping your lost wages.…

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Can I Sue A Business Owner For My Slip And Fall?

Can I Sue A Business Owner For My Slip And Fall?

Falls can result in painful and impairing injuries like traumatic brain injuries, hip fractures, and spinal cord damages. The most severe injuries require expensive and…

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Could Longer Yellow Lights Save Pedestrian Lives?

Could Longer Yellow Lights Save Pedestrian Lives?

Even if you have a relative who has the best wheelchair possible to navigate terrain, it does not mean that your loved one is safe…

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How Do Doctors Treat Brain Injuries?

How Do Doctors Treat Brain Injuries?

After a recent car accident, you learned you sustained a traumatic brain injury. You want to get back to your life, which means overcoming the…

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Options For Workers Injured On Construction Sites In California

Options For Workers Injured On Construction Sites In California

As a construction worker, you know that getting hurt on the job is a possibility. However, this does not make such injuries any less detrimental…

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How To Obtain Lost Wages Compensation

How To Obtain Lost Wages Compensation

If you were in a car accident that resulted in injuries, there is a good chance you missed some days, if not weeks, of work.…

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Former Police Dog Kills San Luis Obispo Man

Former Police Dog Kills San Luis Obispo Man

If you are a fan of police dramas on television, you have probably seen K-9 units in action. While the animals on your TV are…

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Preventing Deadly Wheelchair Pedestrian Accidents

Preventing Deadly Wheelchair Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians are in danger of suffering severe injuries in a collision with any type of motor vehicle. When the pedestrian is in a wheelchair, however,…

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How Do TBIs Impact Your Relationships?

How Do TBIs Impact Your Relationships?

After suffering from a head injury, you will likely see many changes to your daily life. Some of these changes can last for weeks or…

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Statistics On Deadly Motorcycle Accidents In California

Statistics On Deadly Motorcycle Accidents In California

If you enjoy riding a motorcycle, you need to understand the risks you face on the road. These accidents cause many motorcyclists to sustain devastating…

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