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Author Archives: Christian J. Amendt

Articles by: Christian J. Amendt

Program Helps Bring Down Teen Auto Accident Rates

Program Helps Bring Down Teen Auto Accident Rates

California teens may be at a greater danger of getting into a fatal motor vehicle accident compared to older drivers. However, a new approach, known…

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Blue-Collar Workers Often Have More To Lose After A Car Crash

Blue-Collar Workers Often Have More To Lose After A Car Crash

If you get hurt in a car crash, the cost of the care you need may pale in comparison to the secondary consequences of the…

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5 Ways To Improve Your Safety On A Motorcycle

5 Ways To Improve Your Safety On A Motorcycle

If you ride a motorcycle, you will have experienced drivers of other vehicles putting your life in danger. You likely know motorcyclists who were injured…

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What Happens If Rental Scaffolding At Your Work Leaves You Hurt?

What Happens If Rental Scaffolding At Your Work Leaves You Hurt?

Working in construction means taking certain risks, but you probably do your best to stay safe on the job. If your employer hires a professional…

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Poor Sidewalk Designs Can Lead To Wheelchair Accidents

Poor Sidewalk Designs Can Lead To Wheelchair Accidents

Getting around in a wheelchair is often not nearly as easy as it should be, and the design of a sidewalk and a roadway can…

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Suffering A TMJ Injury After A Car Accident

Suffering A TMJ Injury After A Car Accident

Perhaps the car accident you were in here in Pomona, California, led to you injuring your jaw, or more specifically the temporomandibular joint that connects…

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These 3 Diseases Can Kill After A Dog Bite

These 3 Diseases Can Kill After A Dog Bite

Most people love dogs because they’re a normal part of family life in most American homes. Unfortunately, some pets can become dangerous to those around…

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Distractions Are More Than Visual For Drivers

Distractions Are More Than Visual For Drivers

People often focus on visual distractions that drivers might face. While it is imperative that drivers keep their eyes on the road, this isn’t the…

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Car Accident-Related Femur Fractures: An Overview

Car Accident-Related Femur Fractures: An Overview

The femur, or thighbone, does not break easily, but it often does so in high-impact car crashes. In fact, California drivers should know that car…

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Texting Behind The Wheel Is Still A Problem In 2020: Here’s Why

Texting Behind The Wheel Is Still A Problem In 2020: Here’s Why

If you have a cell phone, then you have probably sent a text at one time or another. It’s not smart to do so, but…

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Some Accidents Can Lead To Lifelong Spinal Cord Injuries

Some Accidents Can Lead To Lifelong Spinal Cord Injuries

Accidents of all sorts can cause someone to suffer from an injury to their spinal cord. While it’s possible that minor spinal cord injuries might…

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Why Are Children More Likely To Be Victims Of Dog Bites?

Why Are Children More Likely To Be Victims Of Dog Bites?

You love that your child likes to be around animals, but the idea of a dog bite scares you. The truth is that children are…

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Wheelchair Etiquette: What Everyone Should Know

Wheelchair Etiquette: What Everyone Should Know

You see someone in a wheelchair struggling to open a door. Or, maybe you’re out with a friend who is in a wheelchair and they’re…

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Does California Use The “One Bite Rule” For Dogs?

Does California Use The “One Bite Rule” For Dogs?

You’re a friendly sort and you love animals in general, so it’s second nature for you to want to pet every dog you see. When…

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Driver Safety Systems Can Prevent Crashes

Driver Safety Systems Can Prevent Crashes

When visiting a California car dealer, you may be faced with a choice of whether to pay more for certain advanced safety features. Statistics show…

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Most People Get Into Car Accidents

Most People Get Into Car Accidents

Have you never been in a car accident before? If so, count yourself lucky. You’re definitely in the minority in that regard. The truth is…

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After A Crash, Make Sure You Claim For Lost Wages

After A Crash, Make Sure You Claim For Lost Wages

After a serious collision, one thing that you may be worried about is lost wages. When you have a new disability or cannot work, it’s…

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Defective Tools Can Put Construction Workers And Contractors At Risk

Defective Tools Can Put Construction Workers And Contractors At Risk

For construction workers and contractors, the tools that they carry are often critical to the ability to perform their job. Many professionals pride themselves on…

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Drivers Do Not See Other Drivers As People

Drivers Do Not See Other Drivers As People

Being in a car creates a sort of distance between you and the people around you. While you may only be a few feet away…

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Pedestrian Deaths Are Increasing In The U.S.

Pedestrian Deaths Are Increasing In The U.S.

Streets in California and across the country have become a more dangerous place for pedestrians over the last decade. This is backed up by numbers…

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