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Author Archives: Christian J. Amendt

Articles by: Christian J. Amendt

Are Small Dogs More Aggressive?

Are Small Dogs More Aggressive?

For many people, it’s natural to be a bit nervous when you see a large, powerful-looking dog, such as a German Shepard. These dogs are…

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Is The Sidewalk Really More Dangerous For Bicyclists Than The Street?

Is The Sidewalk Really More Dangerous For Bicyclists Than The Street?

For a new bicyclist, the sidewalk often appears to be the safest place to ride. They like having extra distance between them and the cars…

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Never Assume Drivers See You At A Crosswalk

Never Assume Drivers See You At A Crosswalk

Crosswalks are designed for your safety while running or walking. They give you a safe place to cross where drivers should expect you to be.…

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Determining Fault In A Pomona Motorcycle Accident

Determining Fault In A Pomona Motorcycle Accident

If you ride a BMW motorcycle, chances are you bought it for its safety features. BMWs have some of the most advanced safety technology of…

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More Caffeine Equals Less Safety For Truck Drivers

More Caffeine Equals Less Safety For Truck Drivers

Even though there are fewer cars on California roads right now, you may have noticed that there are still plenty of trucks that need to…

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Can People Ever Recover From A Spinal Cord Injury?

Can People Ever Recover From A Spinal Cord Injury?

People take for granted that motor vehicle travel is simply a part of their daily life. People rarely stop to think about the risk involved…

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Why Don’t People In Vehicles Notice Motorcyclists?

Why Don’t People In Vehicles Notice Motorcyclists?

People in enclosed motor vehicles like cars, trucks and SUVs have a legal obligation to share the road with pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists. Unfortunately, people…

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Should You Flee From An Aggressive Dog?

Should You Flee From An Aggressive Dog?

When a dog snarls, snaps or charges, do you turn and run? You know you don’t want to get bitten and you certainly don’t want…

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Power Wheelchair Safety: Tips You Can Use

Power Wheelchair Safety: Tips You Can Use

Power wheelchairs and seated electric scooters are an important tool for people with disabilities. They can make it much easier for someone with mobility issues…

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Yes, Eating Behind The Wheel Can Cause A Collision

Yes, Eating Behind The Wheel Can Cause A Collision

When you go out for a drive, one of the things you might like to do is to grab a bite to eat. Whether you’re…

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Uneven And Dangerous Sidewalks Endanger People In Wheelchairs

Uneven And Dangerous Sidewalks Endanger People In Wheelchairs

Sidewalks are both a source of safety and convenience and a potential risk to the public. They increase public safety by keeping pedestrians out of…

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Drowsy Driving Is As Bad As Drunk Driving

Drowsy Driving Is As Bad As Drunk Driving

California drivers who get behind the wheel of a car when they are drowsy may be every bit as harmful as drunk drivers. The accidents…

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Dangerous Drivers Get Lost In Thought

Dangerous Drivers Get Lost In Thought

Turning around to talk to a passenger in the back seat, while you drive, is clearly dangerous. So is pulling out your cellphone and making…

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Daylight Savings Time: Time For A Change?

Daylight Savings Time: Time For A Change?

You may not be surprised, but did you know that the number of crashes that take place spike the week after Daylight Savings Time takes…

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Common Causes Of Shopping Mall Slip-And-Fall Accidents

Common Causes Of Shopping Mall Slip-And-Fall Accidents

When you step foot inside a shopping mall, the last thing you’re thinking about is your personal safety. Instead, you turn your attention to your…

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NHTSA’s Car Safety Rating System Called Outdated

NHTSA’s Car Safety Rating System Called Outdated

You may have suffered severe injuries, even catastrophic injuries, in a car accident. This may be all the more frustrating if your vehicle happened to…

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Motorcycle Crashes Account For A Large Number Of Traffic Deaths

Motorcycle Crashes Account For A Large Number Of Traffic Deaths

With a temperate climate in most areas and winding mountain and oceanside roads, California is in many ways a motorcyclist’s dream. Riders can enjoy year-round…

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When Is A Third Party Liable For Your Workplace Injuries?

When Is A Third Party Liable For Your Workplace Injuries?

For most injuries that occur at a workplace, such as on a construction site, the worker has the protection of California’s workers’ compensation program to…

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Are Shelters Putting Dangerous Dogs Back In Homes?

Are Shelters Putting Dangerous Dogs Back In Homes?

Imagine this: You go to a shelter to adopt a dog. You fall in love with a dog that is described as happy or gentle…

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If You’re Attacked By A Dog, Know How To Protect Yourself

If You’re Attacked By A Dog, Know How To Protect Yourself

Dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend. That’s probably why so many people see one and trust that it’s going to be friendly. Unfortunately,…

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