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California Car Accidents Cases Benefit From Paramedic Reports

California Car Accidents Cases Benefit From Paramedic Reports
Christian J. Amendt

Did you know that paramedics and emergency responders have to take special care and consideration when responding to car crashes in California? The first responders are often responsible for collecting information about car accidents to help doctors determine the mechanism of injury, or the reason that the victim is harmed. Just how do they conduct those evaluations? Well, paramedics and emergency medical personnel often examine a vehicle to identify “crunch zones” and areas of collision.

Today’s vehicles are built to absorb kinetic energy by collapsing. Paramedics and other medical professionals can help identify the cause of catastrophic injuries. Their educated guesses provide critical information about treatment of personal injury in hit-and-run incidents or car crashes. What, exactly, do these medical team members consider? They look at the type of the crash — lateral collision, rear-end crash or vehicle rollover — in addition to the number of vehicles involved and the nature of the damage to the car.

Although paramedics are not police officers or legal professionals, they play a key role in helping car accident victims and determining mechanism of injury. These medical professionals can make the difference in car accident victims’ health outcomes, helping them minimize personal injury by receiving quick treatment. Victims who have been harmed by a distracted driver or drunk driver depend on their emergency responders to get the job done right.

If you have been injured in a California car accident, you may be eligible for financial compensation for medical expenses, even those incurred through ambulance or other emergency transport. Paramedics and EMTs provide key documentation and observation that contributes to your ability to be compensated for your personal injury. A qualified attorney can help you sort through the large amount of legal paperwork, providing you with a better chance of getting a satisfactory outcome in your personal injury case.

Source: Emergency Medical Paramedic, “Mechanism of Injury Motor Vehicle Accidents,” accessed Jan. 26, 2017

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