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What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in California? [2024 Updated]

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in California? [2024 Updated]
Christian J. Amendt

Being involved in a motorcycle accident can be life-altering. Depending on the accident and the details surrounding it, you may be dealing with severe injuries, serious trauma, and lifelong health problems. In the immediate aftermath of a motorcycle accident, it is important that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your potential claim by understanding what to do after a motorcycle accident in California.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in California

Motorcycle accidents can be terrifying, and you may feel considerably disoriented after being involved in one. It is important that you prepare yourself for a potential accident. In the aftermath, having a checklist of what to do afterward can be beneficial. That way, when it comes time to file a motorcycle accident claim, you are already prepared. Here are some steps you can take following a motorcycle accident:

  • Stay Calm: Motorcycle accidents can be quick and confusing. You may be alarmed and in a great deal of shock immediately following the accident. It is vital that you do what you can to stay calm and assess the situation. However, this can be difficult.
  • Check Yourself for Injuries: Once you have started to calm down, it is important that you check yourself for any obvious injuries. If you are severely injured, do not move. Call 911 if you are able. If you are not, try to get somebody else’s attention and have them call 911 on your behalf.
  • Move to a Safer Location: Your first instinct may be to try to move your motorcycle to the side of the road. Moving your motorcycle may worsen your injuries if you have any. Instead, leave the motorcycle at the site of the crash and get yourself to a safer location on the side of the road. The last thing you want is to be involved in another crash with oncoming traffic.
  • Ensure Others Are Okay: If there were other people involved in the accident, you should check them for injuries until the proper authorities arrive. Once paramedics have shown up and taken over the accident scene, you should get checked by them in case you have injuries you may have missed. Later, you should visit a medical professional and obtain a documented medical assessment.
  • File a Police Report: Having an accident report can be greatly beneficial when it comes time to file your accident claim. If 911 has already been called, ensure that there is a police presence at the scene. Give them accurate information about the details of the crash. Once the police have made their report, reach out to acquire a copy for your records. Do not admit fault or say anything that could be misconstrued as an admission of fault.
  • Gather Evidence: Once you have been cleared by the paramedics, you can start to document the scene and gather the evidence you will need to pursue your claim. Take photos of every vehicle involved in the accident, as well as any property damage, the state of the road, and any injuries you may have.Be sure to speak to any witnesses who may have seen the accident and get the insurance info of the other driver. Additionally, determine if there are any sources of video footage of the accident from nearby businesses or street cameras.
  • Tell Your Insurance Carrier: Make sure you contact your insurance company and notify them of the accident, regardless of who was at fault. Provide them with accurate information. Do not contact the other driver’s insurance company until you have consulted with a lawyer. They may try to take advantage of you in order to lower your payout.
  • Consult With a Lawyer: Be sure to speak to an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, as they can help you file a claim and navigate the entire legal process.


Q: What Should You Do After a Minor Motorcycle Accident?

A: In the event of a minor motorcycle accident in California, you should take the proper steps to protect yourself, including checking yourself for injuries, seeking immediate medical attention if you need it, and notifying the proper authorities of what has transpired. Be sure to exchange insurance information with the other driver involved, if there is one, and gather the necessary evidence that can prove what happened and how it happened. This can include photos of the scene and witness statements.

Q: What Damages Can I Collect in a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

A: If you file a successful personal injury claim after a motorcycle accident, you could collect both non-economic and economic damages. Economic damages can be easily quantified. These include things like medical expenses and damage to your motorcycle. You may be compensated for the market value if it was a total loss, while you could receive money to repair it in other cases. Severe injuries may also cause you to miss work and lose income, which you could be compensated for.

Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, don’t have an apparent financial value, but you should still be compensated for them.

Q: What Shouldn’t You Do After a Motorcycle Accident?

A: There are many things you shouldn’t do after a motorcycle accident, as they can cause you undue stress and possibly damage your insurance claim. You shouldn’t delay your medical care, as you may be unaware that you have injuries that only a medical professional could find. Having a documented medical record can be of help to you in the future.

You also should avoid admitting fault to the other parties involved. Insurance companies may use anything you say as evidence of your liability in an attempt to reduce your compensation.

Q: How Much Are Most Motorcycle Accident Settlements?

A: It is difficult to estimate how much most motorcycle accident settlements are. Every case is different. The settlement amount you and your lawyer will negotiate with the liable party’s insurance company will differ from other settlement amounts, even in similar cases. A number of certain factors have to be considered, including the severity of your injuries, the amount of damage done to your motorcycle, and both parties’ willingness to compromise.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

A motorcycle accident can be a traumatizing event. However, it is important to hold the liable parties accountable for the accident by seeking compensatory damages. The team at The Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt can help you build a strong case. Contact us to schedule a consultation as soon as you can.

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