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Any personal injury has the potential to be a life-changing experience, but some injuries are far more damaging than others, and not all injuries can be healed. For example, the spinal cord is the bundle of nerves that connects the brain to the rest of the body, branching out in countless ways so the brain can control all conscious and unconscious bodily processes. Unfortunately, when the spinal cord sustains an injury, it cannot repair itself the way the rest of the body can. This means any spinal cord injury can result in extensive permanent disabilities for the victim.
If a loved one or you are struggling in the aftermath of a spinal cord injury sustained because of another party’s actions, it’s natural to have lots of questions about your options for legal recourse. When one party harms another party through negligence or intentional misconduct, the injured party has the right to seek full compensation for any resulting losses. When a personal injury results in permanent disability, the victim’s total claimable damages are likely to be substantial.
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt understand the uncertainty and distress that follow a catastrophic injury, and victims have many legal questions in these difficult circumstances. Our goal is to provide the comprehensive and reliable legal counsel you need to feel more at ease about your legal affairs. In addition, if another party bears fault for the spinal cord injury you or a loved one recently sustained, we can help you hold them accountable for your losses with a personal injury claim.
Handling any civil claim without legal counsel is difficult and risky. The plaintiff would be compelled to meet strict court deadlines and other procedural requirements while managing the effects of their injury. Even if they manage to succeed, they risk unintentionally settling for less than they legally should. Instead of facing these risks while struggling with the effects of a spinal cord injury, have an experienced Pomona spinal cord injury attorney handle your case.
When you choose the Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt to handle your injury claim, we will ensure your case meets all applicable deadlines with the Pomona civil court. First, we’ll review the details of your injury and determine how it happened and who is responsible for it. Once we have identified the party or parties bearing liability for the damage you suffered, we can proceed with helping you calculate your damages. When you sustain a permanent injury, it’s natural to wonder what level of compensation you can expect from a successful civil suit. Your Pomona spinal cord injury attorney can potentially reveal avenues of compensation you may have overlooked on your own.
A spinal cord injury is likely to dramatically impact the victim’s life and the lives of their family members. The victim may not be able to work, and the family could face this economic stress on top of the cost of expensive emergency medical care following the injury. When you face this difficult situation and must take legal action in response to a life-changing injury, a Pomona spinal cord injury lawyer is the ideal asset to have on your side.
When a personal injury occurs, the victim can secure compensation for their losses if they can identify the party responsible for their injury. For example, some of the most commonly reported causes of spinal cord injuries in the United States are:
No matter how your spinal cord injury happened, you must be able to identify the party or parties responsible for it and then prove your damages are the direct result of their actions. For example, proving liability for your spinal cord injury may require proving the defendant failed to exercise reasonable care in the situation or acted in an intentionally harmful manner resulting in the injury.
California law allows the plaintiff in a personal injury suit to seek full repayment of all economic damages they suffered and reasonable compensation for pain and suffering. When it comes to economic damages, spinal cord injuries typically demand extensive treatment, both immediately after these injuries occur and following the victim’s initial recovery. Spinal cord injuries can result in diminished sensation, reduced range of motion, or even paralysis. These conditions are likely permanent as the spinal cord cannot self-repair. The defendant is liable for any ongoing medical expenses the victim faces for managing their injury.
When the victim of a spinal cord injury cannot work, they can hold the defendant accountable for their lost wages and lost earning potential. An experienced Pomona spinal cord injury attorney can help their client calculate the future income they could have reasonably expected to earn had their injury not occurred.
It’s important for any victim of a catastrophic injury in California to know the state’s law regarding pain and suffering compensation. There is no limit to the amount a plaintiff may seek in compensation for their pain and suffering, with the exception of a medical malpractice suit. Your Pomona spinal cord injury attorney can help you determine a suitable amount to seek in your claim based on how severe your condition is.
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Christian J. Amendt understand that you probably have lots of pressing legal questions after a serious spinal cord injury. We can provide the compassionate and responsive legal counsel you need to navigate your case as successfully as possible. If you are ready to explore your legal options, contact us today to schedule your consultation with a Pomona spinal cord injury attorney.